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We create relevant impacts
for a better world.

For the benefit of all.

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Do you need advice?
We are here to help you

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Attention and precision


Horizon Advisors is an independent Family Office and Wealth Management company which, from Lugano and Abu Dhabi, offers a complete range of services in the field of national and international taxation, domestic and international company incorporations and management, international company relocation, succession planning, financial and business consulting, consultancy in the field of ISO process certifications.

Puntualità e Discrezione

Grafici di trading sul monitor del computer


Years of experience




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Professionalità e Confidenzialità

Professionalism is a dominant and constant feature of our organization. This is to ensure the maximum dependability of our employees and the expertise of our services. In addition, data protection, discretion and confidentiality of client activity are of paramount importance to Horizon Advisors.

Independence and Transparency


Independence and transparency have always been values that identify us.

As women, we are sensitive to treating our clients directly with female efficiency. In the course of our professional experience we have chosen not to bind ourselves to any specific partner but to establish collaborations with external professionals building solid relationships, which over time have allowed us to always maintain our independence especially in dealings on behalf of the client. Transparency, both corporate and operational, is the cornerstone on which every aspect of our management is based.

Our Services
Rapporto finanziario

Our services


We take care of business management at 360 degrees, from the simplest daily administrative problems to management or personnel consultancy.

Taxation and Personal planning

We help companies and individuals to optimise their tax position both domestically and internationally, and to advise on any changes in the structure of their assets, both in terms of securities and real estate.


We have various real estate solutions for sale both in Ticino and abroad. Furthermore, through a dense network of partners, we can find the right solution to the customer's needs.


We accompany

our clients in estate planning.


Decisions regarding both their personal and corporate assets.


Within mergers and Acquisitions or successions, we take care to support the client step-by-step in assessing risks, in order to understand the direction to be taken or followed in the necessary investments.


We assist companies that are not directly managed by us, but which need external support in administration and consultancy.


We develop training programs for corporate team building with insights on topics ranging from well-being to entrepreneurship.

Consultancy for obtaining ISO Certifications

Consultants for obtaining the international certifications ISO

in the UAE

Specialists in the relocation of companies, with decades of experience in the United Arabs.


Years of expertise have driven us to craft tailored solutions that guide our clients towards the expansion of their capital.

Our foremost commitment is to ensure your financial security. By implementing a range of highly diversified strategies, we offer capital growth prospects that are not only appreciable but also sustainable in the long run.

Backed by our team of seasoned financial experts and authorized partners, we stand prepared to assist you in formulating a bespoke financial trajectory, perfectly aligned with your unique needs and objectives.

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Real Estate


Single-family houses
Modern architecture, formal simplicity, charm and living comfort, surrounded by greenery, a stone's throw from the suggestive nucleus of Brè village and the city centre.
Prices from Chf 845.000.-

Lugano Bre

Primula Residence

Success Stories


" For over 15 years I have had my own small construction company,
and over the years the real estate sector in Ticino has undergone contractions, especially in the last 2-3 years it has become increasingly difficult to make ends meet ... "

Construction Company

Client of Horizon Advisors

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